This chapter describes the commands provided by the Random Early Detection
(RED) feature for configuring interfaces to randomly drop packets during
congested conditions. It includes the following sections:
To enter RED configuration commands:
- Enter talk 6 at the OPCON (*) prompt.
- Enter feature red at the Config> prompt.
The RED Config> prompt displays. You may now enter RED
configuration commands.
These commands enable you to configure the RED options, which determine how
packets are dropped during periods of congested traffic. This can
prevent overflow and global resynchronization. Table 55 summarizes the RED configuration commands, and the rest of
this topic describes them in detail. Enter the commands at the RED
Config> prompt. Either enter the command and options on one
line, or enter only the command and then respond to the prompts. To see
a list of valid command options, enter the command with a question mark
instead of options.
Table 55. Random Early Detection Configuration Commands
| Function
? (Help)
| Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the
options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
| Deletes a RED configuration record or interface record from a network
device's SRAM.
| Disables RED either in a network device or on a specific egress
| Enables RED either in a network device or on a specific egress
| Displays information about a network device's RED status and
interface-related settings.
| Specifies RED settings for a specific interface on a network
| Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".
Use the delete command to delete a RED configuration record for
an interface from a network device's SRAM.
- Syntax: delete
- interface
- interface
- Prompts you for the interface number to delete.
RED Config> delete interface
Enter RED Interface number to delete [0]? 3
RED interface config record deleted
Use the disable command to disable RED either for a network
device or on a specific egress interface.
- Syntax: disable
- red
- interface
- red
- Disables RED for a network device.
RED Config> disable red
RED disabled
- interface
- Disables RED on a specific egress interface.
RED Config> disable interface
Enter RED Interface number [0]? 2
RED interface disabled
Use the enable command to enable RED either for a network device
or on a specific egress interface.
- Syntax: enable
- red
- interface
- red
- Enables RED for a network device.
RED Config> enable red
RED enabled
- interface
- Enables RED on a specific egress interface.
RED Config> enable interface
Enter RED Interface number [0]? 2
RED interface enabled
Note: | RED can be enabled only on PPP, Multilink PPP, and Frame Relay links.
Use the list command to display information about a network
device's RED status and interface-related settings.
- Syntax: list
- all
- all
- Displays a network device's RED status.
RED Config>list all
RED Status: Enabled
Status Net If qW maxP minT maxT initAvgQ
------ %ofdevQ --------
Enable 6 PPP 4 1/512 70 100 60
qW = Queue Weight
minT = Minimum Threshold, maxT = Maximum Threshold
maxP = Maximum Drop Probability: 1 drop in 512 pkts
%ofdevQ = A percentage of the Maximum Device Queue
Use the set command to specify RED settings for a specific
interface on a network device.
- Syntax: set
- interface
- interface number
- Specifies the number of the interface for which to set RED options.
Default value: none
RED config>set interface
Enter RED Interface number [0]? [6]
RED Interface enabled
Exponential Maximum Packet Drop Probability (9 for 1/2e9) (5 - 10) [9]?
Advanced Setting (y/n)? [Yes]: yes
Maximum Device Queue = 5
Weight Factor (1 - 8) [4]?
Minimum Threshold value (% of the max device queue) (0 - 100) [70]?
Maximum Threshold value (% of the max device queue) (0 - 100) [100]?
Initial Average Queue Size (% of the max device queue) (0 - 100) [60]?
Accept input (y/n)? [Yes]: yes
The console portion of the Random Early Detection feature enables you to
view and manage RED-related settings. To access the RED monitoring
environment enter talk 5 at the OPCON prompt (*):
* t 5
Then, enter the following command at the + prompt:
+ feature red
RED Console>
These commands enable you to view RED-related settings. Table 56 summarizes the RED monitoring commands and the rest of this section
describes them. Enter the commands at the RED Console>
prompt. Either enter the command and options on one line, or enter only
the command and then respond to the prompts. To see a list of valid
command options, enter the command with a question mark instead of
Table 56. RED Monitoring Commands
| Function
? (Help)
| Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the
options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
| Resets an interface's RED parameter settings.
| Displays RED-enabled network device interface settings.
| Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".
Use the clear command to reset an interface's RED parameter
settings. The example in the description of the list command
illustrates the results of the clear command.
- Syntax: clear
- interface-number
Use the list command to display information about RED-enabled
network device interface settings.
- Syntax: list
- interface-number
- interface-number
- Lists the RED settings for the specified interface in a network
RED Console>list 6
Status If maxQ avgQ minT maxT qW maxP pktCnt pdpDepth passCnt drpCnt
(dvQ) (dvQ) (pkt) til drp count pkt pkt
Enable 6 5 3 3 5 4 1/512 1:3787 285 4283 1
maxQ = Maximum Queue Length, avgQ = Average Queue Size
minT = Minimum Threshold, maxT = Maximum Threshold
dvQ = Device Queue, qW = Queue Weight
maxP = Maximum Drop Probability: 1 drop in 512 pkts
pktCnt til drp = Packet Count before a drop occurs
pdpDepth = Probability Drop Depth: 1 drop in 2048 depth count
RED Console>clear 6
RED Console>list 6
Status If maxQ avgQ minT maxT qW maxP pktCnt pdpDepth passCnt drpCnt
(dvQ) (dvQ) (pkt) til drp count pkt pkt
Enable 6 5 3 3 5 4 1/512 1:3530 0 0 0
maxQ = Maximum Queue Length, avgQ = Average Queue Size
minT = Minimum Threshold, maxT = Maximum Threshold
dvQ = Device Queue, qW = Queue Weight
maxP = Maximum Drop Probability: 1 drop in 512 pkts
pdkCnt til drp = Packet Count before a drop occurs
pdpDepth = Probability drop Depth: 1 drop in 2048 depth count